• Hannes Malte Mahler, Big Bang Contraction, 2012, © feinkunst e.V.


    Association for the promotion of art and culture and for the care and preservation of the artistic legacy of Hannes Malte Mahler.

    Founded in 2017, the non-profit association feinkunst e.V. is dedicated to the work of the universal artist Hannes Malte Mahler (1968-2016), who died in an accident in 2016. The purpose of the association is to preserve the works of the universal artist and make them accessible to the public, as well as to revitalize the Hanoverian art landscape.

    The association is compiling a list of Hannes Malte Mahler's complete works and thus facilitating scholarly research into them. Mahler's works and those of other artists, mostly from the Hanover region, are presented in changing exhibitions in 220 square meters of gallery space. The association also organizes readings, concerts, artist talks, etc.

    Current exhibition
    • Bastian Hoffmann, How to turn your work place into a sheet paper (Videostill), 2018, © Bastian Hoffmann

      Sprengel@feinkunst: Bastian Hoffmann

      Radical Negation

      The works of Cologne-based artist Bastian Hoffmann (*1983) are characterized by an ambiguous play with the everyday. His works often combine opposites: walls with a dynamic life of their own, puddles that are planned and not created by chance, paper on which fleeting performances are made durable. Each of Hoffmann's works breaks with conventional ideas and expectations. Hoffmann observes the world and the things around him with stoic seriousness and humor, questioning the meaning behind the supposed regularities.

      Current events
      • 08.06.2024

        Nacht der Museen 2024

        Bastian Hoffmann, Aluminiumguss, Porsche Motor, (911, 3,8 l), 2019, 213 × 140 cm, © Bastian Hoffmann

        Am Samstag, dem 8. Juni, wird in Hannovers Museen wieder die Nacht zum Tag.

        Die Nacht der Museen startet um 18 Uhr und bietet bis 23:30 Uhr eine spannende Entdeckungstour durch die zahlreichen Ausstellungshäuser der Stadt. Besucherinnen und Besucher haben dann die Gelegenheit, Ausstellungen, Sammlungen und Installationen in Augenschein zu nehmen.

        Es gibt Führungen durch Sonder- und Dauerausstellungen, Lesungen, Vorträge, Performances, spezielle Aktionen für Kinder, Kurzfilme und eine Vielzahl musikalischer Darbietungen. In den meisten Häusern ist für das leibliche Wohl gesorgt.

        Eintritt: 7 Euro, Kinder bis 14 Jahre frei


        Unser Programm zur Nacht der Museen 2024: 

        19.00 / 20.00 Uhr Kuratorenführungen mit Alexander Leinemann, Sprengel Museum Hannover

        Musik: DJ

        Speisen & Getränke im Innenhof

        Entwurf & Verkauf von Mahlerwear